Email marketing for manufacturers can be a useful tool, as it helps you stay in touch and maintain a relationship with your current customers while, simultaneously, nurturing leads.
One of the main reasons why email marketing is so powerful is the fact that it allows you to speak to both potential and existing customers from a place they’re regularly checking: their email inbox. The problem is, if your emails never make it to their inbox or simply get ignored, all of the benefits of email marketing go out the window.
Luckily, most email marketing platforms out there give you statistics for email open rates. If yours are lower than they should be, here are a few easy things you can do to rectify it:
1. Give Each Email a Short, But Powerful Subject Line
The subject line is considered to be the most crucial element of any successful email marketing campaign. Why? Because it’s what the individuals you’re sending emails to will see first. Thus, it needs to grab their attention effectively.
If your subject lines are boring (i.e. “Company Newsletter” or “Product Information”) the likelihood that your customers are going to want to actually open the email are slim to none.
Instead, try posing a question to engage with your audience from the get go. Here’s some additional tips to create a killer subject line:
- Include a call to action such as “Learn More About…” or “Increase Your Company’s ROI Now”
- Create intrigue with your subjects by giving just enough away about the content of the email itself.
- Be direct and straightforward. If your email is simply an announcement of a new product, then don’t beat around the bush.
2. Have Your Emails Come From a Person Within Your Company
When people are browsing their inbox, they are less likely to stop and open an email if it comes directly from a company. These types of emails are viewed as either spam or strictly promotional content.
Instead, you should have your emails sent from one (or several) people within your company (i.e.
This not only makes your emails instantly more personal, but it helps create trust; allowing customers to know that they’re being contacted (and can reply to) an actual person instead of a shadowy company-wide email address.
3. Ensure Your Contact List is Current
It’s good practice to regularly clean up your contact list to ensure the list itself is fresh and current. If your list is stale (over a year or two old), the likelihood that your contacts are going to still be engaged with your company emails is low.
Additionally, you should go through your list thoroughly to ensure all of the contact information is still accurate. Look for inactive subscribers, or subscribers who regularly send back bounced emails. If you can’t find a current email address for that specific user, it’s best to simply remove them from the list altogether.
If you need additional email marketing guidance, the experts at Manufacturing Advertising, can help! Get in touch with us today and start building powerful email marketing campaigns that help you nurture leads and stay in touch with your customers.
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